Mini Groups

Learning with other people such as friends or colleagues can be very beneficial and rewarding. You get the opportunity to interact with your peers is motivational and breaks the pattern of one-way delivery to the tutor. It also allows you to socially interact during as well as outside of class while still focussing on your subject. And it’s fun! I offer online German tutoring lessons in mini groups from 4 – 8 students. The maximum amount of students is always 8.

A1 Complete Beginners Course – Starting on Thursday 6th June at 12:00 – 1:30pm UK time

A1.2 Advanced Beginners Course – 2 spaces available I Tuesday at 7:00-8:30 pm UK time

Have you started learning German on your own? Are you a beginner but you already know the basics?
Do you know how to conjugate verbs? Are you familiar with the three German articles? You can introduce yourself in German, but now feel the need to get more guidance and proficiency? Are you looking for a course with live lessons and some likeminded students?

Join my advanced Beginners German Course with weekly live lessons and a dedicated tutor ready to answer your questions. This is the second module of my Beginners German course.

✅ Weekly live classes + teachers note + recording
✅ Structured learning with a text book
✅ Lots of interaction with me and other students
✅ Prep for the A1 Goethe exam

➡️ Individual homework correction
➡️ Additional easy grammar sheets
🎯 Fun online games and Quizzes

PRICE: £299 for 8 weeks

A2 Mini Group – 2 spaces available I Monday at 7:00 – 8:30pm UK time

This class is for beginners who have successfully completed the A1 level.
We are working with a comprehensive course book in combination with online exercises and videos. Set vocabulary lists will be provided as well as individual marking and tipps for all your written pieces. The (optional) goal is to pass the A2-Exam of the Goethe Institut at the end of this course. Before you can start, I will do a short assessment on Zoom with you. Then we can get to know each other and I answer your questions.

✅ Weekly live classes + teachers note + recording
✅ Structured learning with a text book
✅ Lots of interaction with me and other students
✅ Prep for the A2 Goethe exam

➡️ Individual homework correction
➡️ Additional easy grammar sheets
🎯 Fun online games and Quizzes

PRICE: £249 for 8 weeks

B2.1 Mini Group – join at any time 2 spaces available I Wednesday at 7:00 – 8:30pm UK time

We are working with a book in combination to online exercises and additional material on current affairs. The goal is to pass the B1-Exam of the Goethe Institut at the end of this course. Whilst working with my chosen course book I will add additional tailored material to help you pass the exam with ease. Click below to get in touch with me and book a FREE assessment.

✅ Weekly live classes + teachers note
✅ Structured learning with a text book
✅ Lots of speaking practice
✅ Grammar revision
✅ Prep for the B1 Goethe exam

➡️ individual homework correction
➡️ additional easy grammar sheets
🎯 Fun online games and Quizzes

PRICE: £250 for 5 weeks

 C2 Mini Group – 2 spaces available I Wednesday at 12:00 – 13:30am UK time

This class is very advanced. We are working with a course book and a work book in combination to online exercises and additional material. We are currently watching the series “Bad Banks” together. The goal is to pass the C2-Exam of the Goethe Institut next year. Whilst working with my chosen course book I will add additional tailored material to help you pass the exam with ease.

✅ Weekly live classes + teachers note
✅ Structured learning with a text book
✅ Current affairs in Germany with newspaper articles and podcasts
✅ Lots of speaking practice with me and other students
✅ Regular discussion of a German TV series
✅ Prep for the C2 Goethe exam

➡️ individual homework correction
➡️ additional easy grammar sheets
🎯 Fun online games and Quizzes

PRICE: £280 for 4 weeks